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Join us for a Mommy & Me Class

(newborn - 6 months)

Prenatal/BYOBaby Yoga

New Moms' Group

Boogie with Baby

Baby Sing Along

Infant Massage

(4 - 16 months)

Baby Messy Play

Baby Movement

Baby Music

Boogie with Baby

(16 - 24 months)

Toddler Fun Foods

Toddler Messy Play

Toddler Movement & Music

Toddler Music

Big Little Chef

Toddler Messy Play

Drop-Off Preschool Camp

Toddler Movement & Music

Stem Building


If you are going to be ABSENT for a class, and let us know beforehand, we will happily schedule a make up for you in a future session or in a different class!

 (If you do not let us know you are not coming, we will not schedule a make up)

Please see the “Policies” page for more details.


Text  or Call 215-944-4460, the day before the class you would like to attend and if there is space available, we will sign you up! Cost: $25 (Cooking classes $35)

What is Brilliant Baby & Beyond?

Brilliant Baby & Beyond is a gathering place for expectant mothers and parents of babies up to three years old, devoted to early childhood development. We hold mommy & me classes, offer massages, provide playgroups, workshops, and free support groups. We also have a unique boutique full of all the mommy favorites. We as caregivers have the ability to enliven the MINDS of our babies—-using the power of PLAY!

Who is Brilliant Baby & Beyond right for?

Calling ALL babies! First and foremost, BB&B is here to welcome all babies (and parents) who want to have FUN!

And more specifically: 

  • The expectant parents who want to get valuable information before their baby arrives.
  • A place where mothers can find camaraderie with other baby moms while having access to PLAYGROUPS, classes, and SUPPORT GROUPS.
  • Moms and dads of young children who want to be PROACTIVE about their child’s COGNITIVE development.
  • Any young child who has missed some of his or her developmental milestones.
  • All families are welcome to bring their baby along to the classes as long as they are in a baby carrier.  For the safety of your baby and to have hands free for your toddler, your baby cannot be in a stroller or car seat for the classes, but needs to be in a baby carrier. 

What is Brilliant Baby & Beyond?

Brilliant Baby & Beyond is a gathering place for expectant mothers and parents of babies up to three years old, devoted to early childhood development. We hold mommy & me classes, offer massages, provide playgroups, workshops, and free support groups. We also have a unique boutique full of all the mommy favorites. We as caregivers have the ability to enliven the MINDS of our babies—-using the power of PLAY!

Who is Brilliant Baby & Beyond right for?

Calling ALL babies! First and foremost, BB&B is here to welcome all babies (and parents) who want to have FUN! And more specifically: 

  • The expectant parents who want to get valuable information before their baby arrives.
  • A place where mothers can find camaraderie with other baby moms while having access to PLAYGROUPS, CLASSES, and WORKSHOPS.
  • Moms and dads of young children who want to be PROACTIVE about their child’s COGNITIVE development.
  • Any young child who has missed some of his or her developmental milestones.
  • All families are welcome to bring their baby along to the classes as long as they are in a baby carrier.  For the safety of your baby and to have hands free for your toddler, your baby cannot be in a stroller or car seat for the classes, but needs to be in a baby carrier. 

Enter your email to be informed of our classes and products!

Thank you to our military! Use promotion code "Military10" to enjoy a 10% discount!

We're Hiring on ZipRecruiter
with us!
“The amount and quality of care, stimulation and interaction that the young child receives makes all the difference in brain growth. From birth a baby’s brain cells proliferate wildly, making connections that may shape a lifetime of experience.
Carla Shatz
Neurobiologist, U of Cali, Berkeley
“The brain contains all nerve cells it will ever have at the time of birth, the pattern of wiring between them has yet to stabilize.”
Dr. Henry Chugani
Pediatric Neurologist, Wayne State U.
“Early rich experiences produce rich brains. The brain is very malleable.”
Stanley Greenspan
G.W. Medical School
“A Neuron is a nerve cell that is electrically excitable. It communicates with other cells via synapses. Compared to newborns of other species, the human neonate is advanced in sensory capabilities.”
T Barry Brazelton
Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School

BB&B wants your input!

Fill out the following mommy questionnaire to receive a 20% off coupon for a one time purchase of any item in the store or one free class!

Toddler Movement & Music
Toddler Messy Play
Big Little Chef
Infant Massage
New Moms' Group
Prenatal & BYOBaby Yoga
WORKSHOPS Baby Messy Play
Baby Music
Baby Movement & Music
Baby Sign & Sing
SPECIAL EVENTS Toddler Movement & Music
Toddler Messy Play
STEM Building
Big Little Chef
(Newborn - 6 months) TODDLER CLASSES (16- 24 months) OLDER BABY CLASSES (4 - 16 months) 2 & 3 YEAR OLD CLASSES
Fridays & Saturdays @ 12pm
REGISTER 4 to 16 Month Olds
Dinosaur DIG
Gingerbread Man
Order Here
Hold your next party at
Brilliant Baby & beyond
purchase an egift card
for someone special
to use in our boutique
Register Here PURCHASE
The very moment you see your baby's face light up with joy and excitement you know you are doing it right! Learn More
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Summer Camp


Activities include water play, take-home art, camp music, sand play, movement activities, and edible messy play too! Enjoy a FUN SUMMER THEMED camp! Activities include water play, take-home art, camp music, sand play, movement activities, and edible messy play too!

Virtual Infant Massage Classes!


Can't Find The Perfect Gift?

Purchase an eGift Card For Someone Special To Use In Our Boutique



20% Off All Swaddle Blankets


Mommy & Me Classes

Baby Sing Along Books Alive For Toddlers Books Alive For Babies Baby & Children's Gentle Reflexology Prenatal Yoga BYOBaby Yoga Toddler Movement & Music Playgroups Free Storytime

Happy Safe Place For Babies and Children

We will be following the strict Covid-19 CDC guidelines. Including hands free temperatures taking for all adults and children and hands sanitized upon arrival. Masks are required for those older than two (If your little one under three will wear a mask terrific!) All surfaces will be wiped, and all toys will be washed after every class. Each child will be assigned a color for participation. For example; each child will have their own chair, rhythm sticks, messy bin and/or hoola hoop etc.. Classes like yoga and infant massage will have a limited number of participants and 6 ft. distancing between yoga mats and/or baby blankets.

The very moment you see your baby's face light up with joy and excitement you know you are doing it right!

It was my privilege to work with Midge on an early intervention team for many years. She is an experienced, highly-trained expert in infant development and family training. Midge has a lifelong love of learning and has always striven to expand her skills which includes learning and listening to her clients. Her joyful and light-hearted spirit shines through all of her work! Midge is uniquely qualified to recognize challenges, assist and support families as they enter their incredible journey of parenting. She and her network of resources could be life-changing just when you need it the most!
Theresa Carbone
Early Intervention Specialist
I’ve had the great fortune to know Midge for many years in a professional and personal capacity. Her dedication, enthusiasm, knowledge and compassion are unparalleled. Midge has consistently served families with a unique ability to hear their needs and concerns and to tailor guidance and support to create growth and abilities, improving parenting skills to effect change in each child. This is something Midge does with the utmost respect, and loving care, providing the family a safe and comfortable place to institute positive change. Midge has never stopped learning and educating herself as a clinician, and her knowledge reflects a broad array of experience, education and progressive approaches to child development. Simply put, she’s the best!
Colleen Gangemi, M.Ed, Family First, LLC
Program Certified RDI Consultant
Midge has learned so much over the years about the development of children and has such a passion to share it with others. She has recommended books to me that have helped with my own boys. Midge is an awesome Mom and Grand-Mom! I know her classes will be full of helpful information and fun!
Teresa Casey